DEKALOG 7 The Decalogue

Three generations of scandals and lies are the backdrop for this story. Ania is the little girl who believes Ewa is her mother and Majka (Maja Barelkowska) an older sister. These are the relationships-or are they? Actually, Majka is Ania’s mother. When her pregnancy was discovered at school, Ewa avoided scandal by removing Majka to a nearby town where she gave birth to a daughter, Ania. Now Majka yearns to set the record straight, to raise Ania as her own. The truth changes their lives forever. (55 min.)


Country: Poland

Year: 1988

Director: Krzysztof Kieslowski

Director of Photography: Dariusz Kuc

Editor: Ewa Smal

Cast/Featuring: Anna Polony (Ewa), Maja Barelkowska (Majka), Wladyslaw Kowalski (Stefan), Boguslaw Linda (Wojtec)

Running Time (minutes): 55 min