DON’T PAVE MAIN STREET: CARMEL’S HERITAGE U.S. Independents - Documentaries

Clint Eastwood narrates this powerful and revealing look at a little-known sector of Americana-the small group of Bohemians whose ecological passidns, unorthodox ,, lifestyles, and remarkable literary and artistic achievements were largely responsible for making Carmel, California, everything it is today. Veteran documentarian Julian Ludwig and co-director William T. Cartwright Jr. offer a fascinating historical biography of the community whose leading figures included poet Robinson Jeffers, authors Jack London and Sinclair Lewis, famed photographer Edward Weston, and journalist Lincoln Steffens. In documenting Carmel’s history through the lives and times of these and other individuals, the filmmakers focus on a sociological microcosm which illuminates the rapidly changing landscape of America itself.


Country: USA

Year: 1994

Directors: Julian Ludwig, William T Cartwright

Director of Photography: Bruce Nolte

Editor: William T Cartwright

Cast/Featuring: Clint Eastwood

Running Time (minutes): 113 min