UNCOMMON GROUND U.S. Independents - Documentaries

This impassioned documentary follows five multiethnic Los Angeles high school students as they travel to South Africa to live with South African students in a black township. The film focuses on the day-to-day activities of these diverse youth as they share their experiences with family, school, violence, racism, and oppression. The result is a dynamic exploration of the process of crosscultural exchange and personal identity. Woven into the film are short, yet intensely revealing video diaries made by each student about some aspect of their experience. After the screening the Los Angeles students in attendance, along with director Amie Williams and co-producer Marco Williams (In Search of Our Fathers), will be reunited with their South African peers via video phone link-up.


Country: USA

Year: 1994

Director: Arnie Williams

Producer: Marco Williams

Running Time (minutes): 57 min