THE MAKING OF…AND GOD SPOKE U.S. Independents - Fiction

Arthur Borman’s debut feature is a satirical and deliriously funny journey into the bowels of Hollywood. And God Spoke would have been Hollywood’s first biblical epic since the sixties. But the production by B-filmmakers Clive Walton and Marvin Handleman goes terribly awry. A documentary camera, meant to capture their triumph on film, instead puts on record an outrageous cinematic failure. The casting of a Virgin Mary with a full-body tattoo and a six-pack of Coke showing up in the Ten Commandments scene are among the gags. A very funny sending up of both low-budget filmmaking and biblical epics.-Screened with The Janitor (U.S.A., 1993, 4 min.) a delightful animated film about a cosmic janitor whose boss is none other than God.


Country: USA

Year: 1993

Director: Arthur Borman

Producers: Mark Borman, Richard Raddon

Directors of Photography: Lee Daniel, Mark Parry, Mot Hopfel

Editors: Wendey Stanzler, Jeff Whicher

Cast/Featuring: Michael Riley (Clive Walton), Stephen Rappaport (Marvin Handleman), Tamara Mello (Dial S Woman), Ashlie Rhey (Nude Ninja), Monique Paurnet (Nude Ninja)

Running Time (minutes): 90 min