COUNTDOWN (VISSZASZAMLALAS) 45/95 Hungarian Film Series

A somber, finely crafted film about the pitfalls of the system of private enterprise now taking hold
in Hungary, Countdown is a very pessimistic film but an emotionally involving one … a truck driver
who decides to go into business for himself puts all his savings into a truck he buys at an auction.
At first, things go well … but before long jobs are hard to find and (he) has to pay bribes to get work
as well as doing ever more back breaking hauling … very well made in the documentary tradition
with gritty black and white photography and fine, realistic performances. -David Stratton, Variety


Country: Hungary

Year: 1986

Director: Pal Erdoss

Directors of Photography: Gabor Szabo, Ferenc Pap

Editor: Klara Majoras

Cast/Featuring: Erika Ozsda (Jutka Meszaros), Karoly Eperjes (Sandor Meszaros), Denes Ujlaky (Peter), Zoltan Bezeredi (Fireman), Jeno Dekleva (Selmeczi)

Running Time (minutes): 103 min