SCREAMERS New at Press Time

Screamers is a fun, fast-paced futwristic thriller with enough jolts per frame to keep even the most impatient action fan happy. Canadian helmer Christian Duguay (Million Dollar Babies) keeps the focus on the often-violent thrills ‘n’ spills throughout. Based on a 1952 story by legendary science-fiction scribe Philip K. Dick, the screenplay is built around the concept of deadly mechanical creatures called screamers, a race of automated, blade-wielding contraptions that slice and dice human bodies for fun .. .Weller is perfect as the deadpan, tough-as nails commander, and he plays the part with relish … Duguay directs with an assured touch. The special effects are all first-rate, and production designer Perri Gorrara has created suitably eerie sets, notably the burnt-out cityscape.-Brendan Kelly, Variety


Country: Canada, USA, Japan

Year: 1995

Director: Christian Duguay

Producers: Tom Berry, Franco Battista, Antony I Ginnane

Director of Photography: Rodney Gibbons

Editor: Yves Langlois

Cast/Featuring: Peter Weller (Colonel Hendricksson), Andy Lauer (Ace), Roy DuPuis (Becker), Charles Powell (Ross), Jennifer Rubin (Jessica)

Running Time (minutes): 105 min