BLACK DJU European Union Film Showcase

From the sea and sun of the Cape Verde
Islands, it’s one very big step to rainy,
gloomy, land-locked Luxembourg, but
that’s the journ?y 20-year-old Dju Dele
Dibonga must take to track down his dad,
whose yearly visits and monthly guest
worker checks have stopped. But it’s not
just the weather that’s not welcoming, as
overzealous immigration cops seem to be
intent on filling end-of-the-month deportation
quotas, to the noisy outrage of hardboozing
police lieutenant Philippe
Leotard. Dad’s trail looks cold, despite the
aid of student nurse and friend-from-theislands
Patrice-Flora Praxo, until a sittingout-
suspension Leotard decides to join in
the hunt. Suspenseful and moving questand-
regeneration work from a little-heardfrom
(at least in the cinema) country.


Country: Luxembourg, Belgium, Portugal

Year: 1996

Director: Pol Cruchten

Producers: Jani Thiltges, Claude Waringo, Hubert Toint, Paulo deSousa

Director of Photography: Daniel Barrou

Editor: Denise Vindevogel

Cast/Featuring: Philippe Leotard (Alcoholic Cop), Richard Courcet, Patrice-Flora Praxo

Running Time (minutes): 80 min