PALJAS World Cinema

In an unusual mix of realism and whimsy,
this masterful South African drama takes
an inspired approach to the question of
prejudice in small town communities. The
once-normal McDonald family is now
isolated and nine-year-old Willem has
stopped talking. When a circus train full
of animals is left behind at the town
railway station, the McDonald’s lives
change as Willem begins a secret
friendship with a clown who has stayed
PAUAS takes its title from the word for
“magic,” in the sense of making things
right. It is this rough allegory for the state
of South Africa as a country that makes
this poetic movie (the country’s
submission for last year’s foreign film
Oscar) not only prescient, but humane.
Print Source:
Distant Horizon


Country: South Africa

Year: 1997

Director: Katinka Heyns

Producer: Anant Singh

Director of Photography: Koos Roets

Editor: Avril Beukus

Cast/Featuring: Marius Weyers (Hendrik), Aletta Bezuidenhout (Katrina MacDonald), Liesl Van der Merwe (Emma MacDonald), Larry Leydon (Willem MacDonald), Jan Ellis (Nollie)

Running Time (minutes): 119 min