SUPER CHIEF Documentary Series

Corrupt leaders, rigged elections and the passionate efforts of citizens to change a system that seems untouchable are at the center of Nick Kurzon’s documentary. The millions of dollars that come through the new casino on the White Earth Reservation all stop at the desk of tribal chairman “Chip” Wadena. And Wadena – the self-proclaimed “Super Chief” – is getting richer by the day, while much of the tribe lives in substandard conditions, suffering the frustrating abuses of their own leaders.

As a new election approaches, Wadena faces obstacles from several corners: federal fraud charges, the determination of a reservation teacher to uncover his corrupt dealings, and fierce competition for his position from two opponents. Still, Wadena seems undaunted and Kurzon finds himself witness to a popular struggle against long-seated corruption and electoral apathy, complete with a surprising conclusion.


Country: USA

Year: 1999

Director: Nick Kurzon

Producer: Nick Kurzon

Director of Photography: Nick Kurzon

Editor: David Allen

Cast/Featuring: Darrell "Chip" Wadena, Eugene "Bugger" McArthur, Lowell Bellanger, Erma Vizenor, Doyle Turner

Running Time (minutes): 75 min