DOLPHINS European Film Showcase

Told with music and visuals rather than dialogue, DOLPHINS is a modern fairy tale in which romance is created through gestures and atmosphere.

Lara is a sensitive young woman who, although she isn’t insane, is being held in a psychiatric clinic. She is only able to escape its coldness by submerging herself in a dream world filled with the magic of the sea. A young orderly slowly gets closer to Lara by sharing her love of the ocean and its secrets. Their gentle bond, which releases the magic of her dreams to the other patients, so strengthens Lara that she begins breaking hospital regulations. Threatened by the consequent disorder and imbalance, the senior nurse forces a violent confrontation. A final twist, however, leads to an unexpectedly uplifting resolution.


Country: Germany, USA

Year: 1999

Director: Farhad Yawari

Director of Photography: Torsten Breuer

Editor: Horst Reiter

Cast/Featuring: Marco Hofschneider, Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss, Julia Brendler, Anna Thalbath

Running Time (minutes): 40 min