THE BIG ANIMAL (DUZE ZWIERZE) International Competition

Director and veteran Polish actor Jerry Stuhr passionately brings to the screen this previously unproduced screenplay by the late, acclaimed Polish director Krzysztof Kieslowski.

Where do the roots of intolerance lie? When we go against standards and counter the norms of society, do we bring upon ourselves loneliness and isolation? Respected bank clerk Sawicki suddenly adopts a camel, causing turmoil among the locals. What begins as a light-hearted friendship between Sawicki and the camel develops into a deep affection. But the formerly foiendly townspeople become increasingly irate by the camel’s presence, and engage in all sorts of antics to rid their mountain town of the unwelcome pet.

Sound absurd? Surprisingly, the film is not. Touching and well-crafted, THE BIG ANIMAL earned the Special Jury Award at this year’s Karlovy Vary Film Festival.


Country: Poland

Year: 2000

Director: Jerzy Stuhr

Producer: Slawomir Rogowski

Director of Photography: Pawel Edelman

Editor: Elzbieta Kurkowska

Cast/Featuring: Anna Dymna (Maysia Sawicki), Jerzy Stuhr (Zygmunt Sawicki), Dominika Bednarczyk (Bank Clerk), Blazej Wojcik (Bank Clerk), Rubio (The Camel)

Running Time (minutes): 75 min