SUNSET JUNCTION American Directions

Every August, over 100,000 Angelenos pile in to a dosed-off section of Silver Lake for the rockin’ bands and stellar people-watching found at the Sunset Junction Street Fair. SUNSET JUNCTION chronicles the story of one of the organizers, a Beverly Hills hairdresser who becomes a father figure to both gang members and illegal immigrants.

With festival time rapidly approaching, Michael McKinley is readying his teenaged troops for the carousing hordes eager to drink beer and celebrate neighborhood diversity. While his baby-faced workforce struggles for stability in a tenuous world of fledgling adulthood and random violence, they’ve also got pounds of preparations to slog through before the shindig kicks off. At the center of the action stands the tireless Michael-festival creator, Supremes devotee and self-described champion of the under-privileged. Pardoning, that is, his smothering empowerment speeches paired with paternalistic and con descending micro-management. Pressure builds as the big weekend draws near. Not only are the cops leery of Michael’s gang member security force, but mutiny looms in the beleaguered faces of his over-stressed corps . Does all the sweat and devotion pay off?

Director Peter Jones ‘ distinctly local documentary lets the audience decide as his camera pans over the fashionistas, Motown dancers and shimmying punks grooving side-by-side.


Country: USA

Year: 2002

Directors: Peter Jones, Mark Catalena

Cast/Featuring: Michael McKinley

Running Time (minutes): 100 min