LITTLE GIRL BLUE (2003) European Showcase

Director Anna Luif’s (SUMMERTIME) new film is filled with potent observations about children on the brink of adulthood.

Sandra, new to the neighborhood, doesn’t fit into the cool crowd. But when she meets Mike, who lives in the house across the street, all her problems seem to be forgotten. She falls head over heels in love with him. He seems pretty into her, too. But their young love is soon put to the test. But when they see Mike’s mother with a stranger. Mike is outraged. He can’t understand how, only a year after his sister died, his family might now be completely destroyed,Afraid of losing Mike, Sandra doesn’t know how to tell Mike the stranger is her father. LITTLE GIRL BLUE is ail engaging story of two children crashing headlong into adults’ harsher truths.

Much of the film’s charm and quiet intensity comes from the exceptional central performances, their authenticity adding additional layers of meaning. Eli citing these performances from her young cast, Luif firmly establishes herself as a bright light in cinema and a passionately inventive filmmaker.


Country: Switzerland, Germany

Year: 2003

Director: anna luif

Producers: samir koch, Karin Koch

Director of Photography: Eeva Fleig

Editor: Myriam Flury

Cast/Featuring: muriel neukom, andreas eberle, bernarda reichmuth, Sabine Berg, Mark Kuhn

Running Time (minutes): 82 min