LIGHT OF MINE Breakthrough

Owen is a photographer with an incurable and debilitating eye disease that will soon leave him blind Before his sight is completely gone, he and his wife Laura take a once-in-a-lifetime rood trip to Yellowstone National Park. During their bittersweet photography expedition, they bond over their surroundings and experience a depth to their relationship they never knew was there. Newcomers Rebecca Sanborn and Ji Tanzer take the audience on a cathartic journey, imbuing this subdued drama with grace and empathy. As Owen’s world rapidly goes dork, their strength and perseverance become more life-changing than Owen’s condition. In the end, the audience is left with the feeling that the couple’s loss is more a beginning than on ending. In his feature film debut, director Brett Eichenberger has crafted on intimate and emotional film with cinematography as stunning as its powerful performances


Country: USA

Year: 2011

Director: Brett Eichenberger

Screenwriter: Jill Remensnyder

Cast/Featuring: Ji Tanzer, Rebecca Sanborn

Running Time (minutes): 77 min