Debuting in competition at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, THE WONDERS tells the story of a close-knit family in the rolling Italian countryside. Domineering father Wolfgang tries to control his many daughters, keeping them away from outside influences as they live a cloistered life on their small bee-keeping farm. When a national television competition comes along seeking to highlight local families, eldest daughter Gelsomina wants to enter their family’s beloved honey in the competition. Wolfgang flatly refuses – but the luminous young woman is wise beyond her years, and in standing up for herself she learns how to navigate the world. With indelible images and unforgettable performances, Rohrwacher has created a mesmerizing and hypnotic ballad of independence and self-determination.

Alice Rohrwacher was born in Fiesole, Italy. Her first feature, CORPO CELESTE, premiered in the Cannes Film Festival’s Directors’ Fortnight, and went on to play the Sundance and New York film festivals. THE WONDERS won the Grand Jury Prize and was nominated for the Palme d’Or at Cannes 2014.

The Match Factory GmbH


Country: Italy, Switzerland, Germany

Year: 2014

Director: Alice Rohrwacher

Screenwriter: Alice Rohrwacher

Producer: Carlo Cresto-Dina

Executive Producers: Karl Baumgartner, Tiziana Soudani, Michael Weber

Director of Photography: Hélène Louvert

Editor: Marco Spoletini

Production Designer: Emita Frigato

Music: Christophe Giovannoni

Cast/Featuring: Alexandra Lungu, Sam Louwyck, Alba Rohrwacher, Sabine Timoteo, Monica Bellucci

Running Time (minutes): 110 min

Languages: Italian, German, French