Gabriel Mascaro’s narrative film debut quietly observes the young inhabitants of a small coastal village in Brazil. Shirley and Jeison work on a plantation, where they find time to sneak away and make love among the coconuts. The couple spend their free time at sea, where Jeison dives for octopus and Shirley sunbathes and listens to rock music. When Jeison makes a surprise discovery in the water, the two are forced to confront the realities of life and death in their village. Primarily a documentary filmmaker, Mascaro (who here serves as director, screenwriter, cinematographer and even supporting actor) takes a dynamic and intimate approach to narrative filmmaking, resulting in a poetic and beautifully lensed meditation on life and death, loss and memory, the wind and the sea.

Born in Recife, Brazil, where he still resides and works, Gabriel Mascaro researches the negotiation of power in its various manifestations. His work has been shown in film festivals at Locarno, London, Rotterdam and San Sebastian among others. AUGUST WINDS won a Special Mention at this year’s Locarno Film Festival.

FiGa Films


Country: Brazil

Year: 2014

Director: Gabriel Mascaro

Screenwriters: Gabriel Mascaro, Rachel Ellis

Producer: Rachel Ellis

Executive Producers: Rachel Ellis, Stefania Régis

Director of Photography: Gabriel Mascaro

Editors: Ricardo Pretti, Eduardo Serrano

Production Designer: Stefania Régis

Cast/Featuring: Dandara de Morais, Geová Manoel dos Santos, Maria Salvino dos Santos, Gabriel Mascaro

Running Time (minutes): 77 min

Language: Portuguese