This debut film follows 15-year-old Bia and her friends as they grow up in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. As the girls try to navigate the usual pitfalls of puberty, a wave of murders sweeps the city and bodies begin to appear in the group’s usual stomping grounds. What starts as morbid curiosity slowly starts to infect their young lives, and after an encounter with death, Bia will do anything to stay alive. This audacious vision announces filmmaker Anita Rocha da Silveira as a rising talent whose mastery of dark subject matter is strikingly bold and altogether entertaining. The production, packed with killer performances from its young cast and brilliant music, is a giallo-tinged take on puberty and the experience of living in a girl’s body. As it reaches its tense conclusion, the film’s alchemy of styles creates something fiercely original. — Lane Kneedler

Anita Rocha da Silveira majored in film at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. She directed three short films — THE NOON VAMPIRE (2008), HAND-BALL (2010) and THE LIVING DEAD (2012) — prior to her feature debut KILL ME PLEASE, an assembly of the ideas and stylistic elements contained in her short films.

MPM Film


Country: Brazil

Year: 2015

Director: Anita Rocha da Silveira

Screenwriter: Anita Rocha da Silveira

Producer: Vania Catani

Executive Producers: Vania Catani, Lili Nogueira

Director of Photography: João Atala

Editor: Marília Moraes

Production Designer: Brenda da Mata

Music: Bernardo Uzeda

Cast/Featuring: Valentina Herszage, Dora Freind, Julia Roliz, Mari Oliveira, Bernardo Marinho

Running Time (minutes): 105 min

Language: Brazilian Portuguese