DescriptionDescription Based on an 11-volume Japanese mango comic strip, SPRIGGAN was directed by Hirotsugu Kawasaki and supervised by Katuhiro Otomo (creator of the renowned AKIRA). The result of their collaboration is an impressive achievement of consummate artistry. More than 90 thousand lrames-20% more than the typical anime feature of the same length-were necessary to complete...


DescriptionDescription Named the best film of 1983 by Siskel & Ebert, this adaptation of the Tom Wolfe book is that rarest of cinematic birds-an epic with a sense of the absurd. Gleefully cynical about the media circus surrounding NASA's Project Mercury (listen for the locust-like hum whenever the press corps swarms onscreen), and the political...


DescriptionDescription Animation as a whole is in the midst of a real renaissance right now, like a smack in the head-or a body blow, as is evident in the opening short PUMP-ACTION, where balloon animals meet RESERVOIR DOGS. On the more traditional side comes the suburban teen comedy PROUD FAMILY which inlvolves a young girl...


DescriptionDescription Animation as a whole is in the midst of a real renaissance right now, like a smack in the head-or a body blow, as is evident in the opening short PUMP-ACTION, where balloon animals meet RESERVOIR DOGS. On the more traditional side comes the suburban teen comedy PROUD FAMILY which inlvolves a young girl...


DescriptionDescription In recent years, filmmakers have been challenged to be different and nowhere is it more evident than in this year's Short Drama selection. In ONE DAY CROSSING, a woman struggles to protect her family during a crisis point in WWII. After watching his father drown a litter of puppies in BURLAP, a young boy...


DescriptionDescription The Dark and Quirky Comedy Shorts Program contains seven offerings ranging from the inventive and humorous to the scary and dismal. The program opens with RATILER, the story of a Samaritan who takes the good neighbor scene just a little too far. BLACK XXX-MAS, a dark and violent look at human nature, reminds us...


DescriptionDescription The Philippine's foremost director, Marilou Diaz Abaya (IN THE NAVAL OF THE SEA-AFI Fest '98, RIZAL) returns with this literally breathtaking descent into the silent waters off the southern Filipino island of Bohol. Megastar Cesar Montano is Freda, a reef diver haunted by an old grudge with the sea. Recruiting over 200 free divers-most...


DescriptionDescription Animation as a whole is in the midst of a real renaissance right now, like a smack in the head-or a body blow, as is evident in the opening short PUMP-ACTION, where balloon animals meet RESERVOIR DOGS. On the more traditional side comes the suburban teen comedy PROUD FAMILY which inlvolves a young girl...


DescriptionDescription From the director of the first major studio NC-17 film comes a provocative, daring tale of passion, persecution and the uncrushable spirit of the human imagination. Philip Kaufman (THE RIGHT STUFF, THE UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING, HENRY AND JUNE) directs this erotic fiction. Penned by Doug Wright, the screenplay was adapted from his Obie...


DescriptionDescription Animation as a whole is in the midst of a real renaissance right now, like a smack in the head-or a body blow, as is evident in the opening short PUMP-ACTION, where balloon animals meet RESERVOIR DOGS. On the more traditional side comes the suburban teen comedy PROUD FAMILY which inlvolves a young girl...
